
Unity as a tool for Education

Yoga, Mindfulness, Environmental Sciences, Music and Creative Expression

“Empower yourself physically,
emotionally, cognitively
and socially”

For all generations

We believe in sharing the tools that empower wellbeing to young children, teenagers and adults. The target of this educational program is to spread environmental consciousness, social cohesiveness, communicate mindful techniques through breath and movement while promoting an attitude of awareness to all.


Through the program proposed by Yoga of Elements students learn how to increase their physical resilience, explore their creativity, apply conscious listening, acknowledge different world views, while understanding the importance of nature conservancy.
Including both indoor and outdoor activities our content can be adapted to existing school requirements and curriculum, fitness and health endeavors, home schooling initiatives, enrichment programs, as well as recreational activities.

“We promote values of equality and tolerance adaptable to all belief systems that show reverence and respect for all traditions”

What we do

We are trained internationally in a multitude of fields (Yoga, Mindfulness, Environmental-Social and Educational Sciences).
The message of Yoga of Elements is of peace and unity among people, while highlighting the importance of education and self empowerment.
The goal is to close generational, socio-economic, and cultural gaps by bringing forth various teachings in a practical, applicable and transferable manner.



Kids’ Yoga & Mindfulness

Environmental education


Yoga for Youth(C) &
Creative Expression

Outdoor environmental education

Tutoring & Mentorship


Kundalini Yoga &
Sound meditation

Intentional Circles

What People Say

“You are an asset for education while giving reverence to native traditions. It’s simply wonderful”

Judy Jolin (WoW Learning Lab)

“What you do is desperately needed”


“Your work impacts a lot of people; way more then you could ever imagine”

Sophia Wong (WNPA)